Architectural Review
Application Process
All exterior modifications to one’s home, lot, or landscaping must be approved by the Architectural Review Committee prior to any work being performed. Please follow these steps prior to submitting an applications for the Architectural Review Board.
Step 1: Review the Backcountry Architectural Guidelines. Please log into the Resident Portal to access the Architectural Residential Guidelines located within the “Resident Only Documents” folder.
Step 2: Submit an HRCA home improvement request. The HRCA home improvement request process and form can be accessed here.
Step 3: Once HRCA has approved your work and provided an approval letter, please complete the ARC Review Application. The Application will be considered incomplete if details of the work are not included.
Step 4: Applications containing all necessary documents will be submitted to the Architectural Review Committee for consideration. Materials must be submitted by 5pm on Tuesday even ing prior to the scheduled ARC meeting. Please include all details provided in your HRCA application to provide clarification on the work to be completed.
You will be notified by email if your application is included on the ARC agenda. You are encouraged to attend the ARC meeting in person or via the Zoom information contained within the invitation email.
ARC meetings are held every two weeks on Fridays at 1:30 p.m.
Step 5: Approval or denial letters will be sent electronically and by mail following the ARC meetings.
For more information, please contact Brandyn Williams, Community Standards Manager, at
All Architectural documents can be viewed on the website under the Resources tab /Architectural Review Documents folder